Icy Hot Relief

Day 21 -

While most regions of the country are still enjoying the last weeks of summer, southwest Montana is already several weeks into fall. And winter is definitely on its mind. This became apparent when we awoke to the sight of falling snow and a very winter-ish landscape this morning. With a layer of snow on the ground, temperatures in the low 30s and more snow in the forecast, we opted to wait out the storm at Montana’s Elkhorn Hot Springs.

With the snow/freezing rain falling outside we stayed cozy inside Elkhorn’s historic lodge while sipping hot cocoa, playing cards and relaxing our muscles in the therapeutic natural hot springs. The southern hospitality of Elkhorn’s management gave us free range of the kitchen (honor system) and prepared some delicious grilled cheese.

Eating Habits on the Road

Food is constantly on our minds. “Where can we get food next?” “How much food do we have?” And even the occassional, “Can that be eaten as food?” Eating on the trail has more closely resembled grazing or eating out of a trough. Most of our shopping takes place at gas station convenience stores since there aren’t many true grocery stores in the towns we pass through. The novelty of the items here results in purchasing of some pretty weird “food” items. Shopping trips closely resemble the lost in AM/PM radio adds. Once in camp, the food is dumped onto the ground (or picnic table if we’re lucky). Then, we eat, anything and everything, in any order. Dinner may consist of a first course meal of Cheese-Its followed by a beef stick appetizer, a main course of peanut butter-Cheese-It-popcorn-jelly sandwich with a side of donuts followed by beef jerky for dessert. Another popular main course is the beef stick and cheese stick sandwich. Gourmet dining if we’ve ever seen it!

More recently we’ve upgraded to tuna sandwiches but I think it is safe to say that we need some help with our meal ideas. So, we welcome any posts from readers with meal suggestions. Come up with a good meal idea that can be made from ingredients found in the common convenience store and prepared without a stove (some stores are a little bit more stocked that a standard gas station and basic food items can usually be obtained). Post them to our site and we’ll give them a try. We’re doing pretty well on the gross food combinations so please suggest things that may actually taste good!
